School has profound faith in self-discipline as it believes that discipline is essential in all walks of life. It is an integral tool for the development of personality. The measures outlined are of self-help variety and serve to inculcate an awareness in.
School has profound faith in self-discipline as it believes that discipline is essential in all walks of life. It is an integral tool for the development of personality.
“A group of determined spirits fired by an unquenchable faith in their mission can alter the course of history.” Enthusiasm, Commitment, Dedication and Hardwork are the key words behind SBSIS success stories.
The academic year 2012 started with renewed energy and great infrastructural changes that were welcomed by everyone. The building was repainted and decorated with a grand entrance, furnished science Lab, Computer Lab, Library , Multimedia Room and a Visitor’s Parlour. Computer facilities were updated with Internet Connection. To get a first hand knowledge of the class room situation and to improve supervision more cameras were installed. New sound system was installed to perform morning assembly and other activities.
“Education without leisure is worthless. “ Aiming for an overall development the student were exposed to a number of extra-curricular activities.
- Science exhibition and Weekly G.K. Quiz were organized in the school to encourage and recognize the students with a scientific temper.
- The Extempore speech Contest and the debates gave great exposure to all the budding speakers.
- Punjabi Traditional Dress Competition was organized to honour our hon’ble grand parents.
- SBSIS formed a sports club and students have option to attend Volleyball, Karate, Kho Kho, Jump-Rope, Kick-Boxing, Kabbady, Cricket, Football and athletic. 1st Inter School sports meet was organized at school where 15 schools from Amritsar and Tarn Taran Participated and SBSIS bagged the highest member of gold, silver and bronze medals, Four experienced coaches have been appointed to promote sports in school.
- The celebrations at SBSIS kept us happy and cheerful. We love the festive days at school
- The Celebration of grand parents day was unique. All the graund parents of this school children felt proud to be a grandparents on that day.
- An Educational trip to Rajasthan and Nanital was organized to impart real education and life skills.
- Our Junior children also enjoyed an outing arranged at Sun City, Amritsar
- In 2009-10 We celebrated all the Gurpurabs, Diwali, The Independence Day, The Republic Day, Children Day, Teacher’s Day, Red Day, Yellow Day etc. We also conduct special assemsblies.
- For the overall development P.T. meet was organized every month created in the academic journey of the child. Parents Orientation Programme were organised in which to develop moral values school started school cinema.
- 70% of school strength was increase in the academic year 2009-10 which proved the trust of people on SBSIS
Information about School
Name of the School with Address :
1.(strictly as per Affiliation sanction letter
or as permitted by the Board)
Fax |
Shaheed Bhagat Singh International School (Senior Secondary), Varpal ,
Amritsar, 143022
2.Year of establishment of school |
2005 |
3.Whether NOC from State /UT or
Recommendation of
Embassy of India obtained
NOC Issuing Date
No : 3/16/2010 - 03/1329
4.Is the school is recognized, if yes by
which Authority |
5.Status of affiliation :
Permanent /Regular / Provisional
Affiliation No.
Affiliation with the Board since
Extension of affiliation upto
2029 |
6.Name of Trust /Society / Company
Registered under Section 25 of the
company Act, 1956.
Period upto which Registration of Trust
/Society is valid |
Shaheed Bhagat Singh Educational Society, Varpal
7.List of members of school Managing
Committee with their Address /tenure
and post held |
Click Here to View |
8.Name and official address of the Manager /President
Fax |
S. Mulkhjeet Singh , Chairman SBS International School (Senior Secondary), Varpal(Amritsar)
- |
9.Area of School Campus
1. In Acres
2. In sq. mtrs
3. Built up area (sq. mtrs)
4. Area of playground in sq. mtrs.
5. Other Facilities
• Swimming Pool
• Indoor games
• Dance Rooms
• Gymnasium
• Music Rooms
• Hostels
• Health and Medical Check up |
2. 63
Yes |
10.Details of fee structure (2024-25)
(Without Transport) |
Click Here to View |
11. Transport Facility
(i) Own Buses
(ii) Bus Hired On Contract Basis
(iii) Detail of Transport Charges |
School Do Not provide Transportation.
If Students need transport facility parents
have to contact the tranporter contracter |
12.Particulars of teaching staff (to be updated time to time) Name, Designation, Date of Birth, Date of Appointment, Trained/Untrained, Probation/Confirmed, Adhoc/PartTime |
Click here to view |
13.Details of Salary being paid by the School to
Teaching/Non Teaching staff (to be updated time to time) |
Click here to view |
14.Mode of payment Salary
Name of the bank through which salary is drawing
Through single cheque transfer advice
Individual Cheque
Cash |
Bank of India Chabba, Asr
No |
15.Library Facilities
(i) Size of the Library in sq. feet
(ii) No. of Periodicals
(iii) No. of Dailies
(iv) No. of reference books class-wise
(v) No. of Magazine
(vi)Others |
16.Name of the Grievances/redressal Officer with E-mail, Phone No., Fax No.. |
Mr. Sujit Sharma , , 9915859555
17.Members of sexual Harassment Committee
(2024-25) |
Click here to view |
18.Section wise enrolment of school for the
Current session (2024-25) |
Click here to view |
19.Academic Session Period |
From April to March |
20.Vacation period (Summer) |
From June To Mid of July |
21.Admission period |
From Dec to April |